VA - Archeo 10 Years Anniversary - Volume 1
A1. Pepe Maina - The Infinite (Manu Archeo Remix)
a2. Roberto Aglieri Feat. Stefano Faravelli - Danza N. 1 (Feel Fly Meditan'trippy Remix)
b1. Radio Band - Radio Rap (Radiomarc Remix)
b2. Futuro Antico - Pan Tuning (Mushrooms Project Danza Mix Part 1, 2, 3)
More on Archeo Recordings
Tony Esposito - Pagaia (Feel Fly Versions)
A1. Feel Fly Cosmical Remix a2. Original 1982 b1. Feel Fly Instrumental Cosmical Remix b2. Feel Fly Dub Dub Version
Archeo Recordings

£21.37 (£25.64 inc.vat)
Modula Feat. Gino Saccio - Che E’ Stato? - 7” Transparent Marbled Pink Vinyl
A. Che E’ Stato? b. Che E' Stato? (Pellegrino | Feel Glow Rework)
Archeo Recordings

£20.14 (£24.17 inc.vat)
Modula Feat. Gino Saccio - Che E’ Stato? - 7” Black Vinyl
A. Che E’ Stato? b. Che E' Stato? (Pellegrino | Feel Glow Rework)
Archeo Recordings

£24.49 (£29.39 inc.vat)
Infradisco - Aqua Cheta (12" + CD)
01. Caduca 02. Dulcis 03. Fluminea 04. Marina 05. Pluvia 06. Surgiva a1. Caduca (Hear & Now Remix) a2. Dulcis (Manu Archeo Remix) b1. Fluminea (Mushrooms Project Natural Grow Mix) b2. Marina ...
Archeo Recordings

£23.38 (£28.06 inc.vat)
BOTTIN Feat LUCIO DALLA - Lunedi' Cinema
Lunedi' Cinema (Martedi 2008 Mix) / Lunedi' Cinema (Leo Mas, Fabrice & Bottin Dub Mix) / Lunedi' Cinema (Leo Mas & Fabrice Drive In Mix) / Lunedi' Cinema (Minibar Bonus Track)
Archeo Recordings

£22.05 (£26.46 inc.vat)
Lunedi` Cinema (Martedì Mix 2008) / Lunedi` Cinema (Dub Mix By Leo Mas & Fabrice, Bottin) / Lunedi` Cinema (Drive In Mix By Leo Mas & Fabrice) / Lunedi` Cinema (Minibar Bonus Track)
Archeo Recordings

£20.39 (£24.47 inc.vat)

£32.74 (£39.29 inc.vat)
Sara LORENI - Neve A Maggio (Feat Mushrooms Project & Deep88 Remixes) (Purple Vinyl)
Neve A Maggio (Mushrooms Project Disco Maxi Single Mix) (8:29) / Neve A Maggio (Mushrooms Project Feat Leo Almunia Balearic Version) (5:07) / Neve A Maggio (Mushrooms Project Rave Mix) (6:50) / Neve A...
Archeo Recordings

£25.74 (£30.89 inc.vat)
Sara LORENI - Neve A Maggio (Feat Mushrooms Project & Deep88 Remixes)
Neve A Maggio (Mushrooms Project Disco Maxi Single Mix) / Neve A Maggio (Mushrooms Project Feat Leo Almunia Balearic Version) / Neve A Maggio (Mushrooms Project Rave Mix) / Neve A Maggio (Deep88 Remix...
Archeo Recordings

£17.36 (£20.83 inc.vat)
Tigre (Original) / Tigre (Vocal Dub Mix By Leo Mas & Fabrice) / Gennarino 'o Sioux (Original) / Gennarino 'o Sioux (Vocal Dub Mix By Leo Mas & Fabrice)
Archeo Recordings
Maras / Posillipo / Proietti - Sfumature LP (Limited Hand-Numbered LP)
Gomma / Panico Iniziale / Deserto / Sotto La Cascata (Remix) / Alla Casba / Dura Lex / Trombe Di Alfredo / Amori / Aura Due / Ballo Accorto / Alfredo Fantasy / Vertigini (Ambient Remix)
Archeo Recordings

£31.65 (£37.98 inc.vat)
Riccardo GIAGNI - Kaunis Maa (Simon Peter Remix)
The Closest Friend / And I Touch, & I Give / Donne Di Gauguin / Kaunis Maa / La Bellezza Di Un Gesto Astratto / Passeggera / The Closest Friend (Simon Peter Special Remix)
Archeo Recordings

£31.65 (£37.98 inc.vat)
PEPE MAINA - Scerizza
Coro Di Nava / Scerizza (Parte 1) / Cocoon Star (Parte 1) / Cocoon Star (Parte 2) / La Danza Dei Pulcini / Sorpresa / Scerizza (Parte 2) / Scerizza (Parte 3) / Canzone Di Maggio / Al Contadino Non Far...
Archeo Recordings

£14.82 (£17.78 inc.vat)
Tony ESPOSITO - Rosso Napoletano (Mushrooms Project 2018 Rework)
Rosso Napoletano (Mushrooms Project 2018 Rework)
Archeo Recordings

£31.34 (£37.61 inc.vat)
STH NOTIONAL - Yawn Yawn Yawn
Yawn Yawn Yawn" (Dream Another Reality Mix) / Yawn Yawn Yawn" (Dream Another Reality Instrumental) / Yawn Yawn Yawn" (G-Tar Cannyon Mix) / Yawn Yawn Yawn" (Thankful Mix) / Beyond The Outside" (Feel Th...
Archeo Recordings

£2.00 (£2.40 inc.vat)
Roberto DE SIMONE - Ii Coro Delle Lavandaie
Ii Coro Delle Lavandaie (Unreleased 12" Long Version) / Ii Coro Delle Lavandaie (Leo Mas & Fabrice Balearic Voodoo Mix) / Ii Coro Delle Lavandaie (Original 12" 1976 Version)
Archeo Recordings

£2.00 (£2.40 inc.vat)

£8.75 (£10.50 inc.vat)
A. Je Na (Mario Boncaldo Original 1983 Special Mix) / B. Pagaia (Mario Boncaldo Original 1983 Special Mix)
Archeo Recordings
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£21.06 (£25.27 inc.vat)
Calm - Quiet Music Under The Moon
A1: Drift To Dreamland a2: Quiet Music Under The Moon a3: Late Summer Night a4: Moon Shower a5: Moon Bathing b1: Moonage Daydream b2: Moonlight Shadow b3: Ray b4: Arigato Arigato b5: Oyasumi ...
Music Conception
Tony Esposito - Pagaia (Feel Fly Versions)
A1. Feel Fly Cosmical Remix a2. Original 1982 b1. Feel Fly Instrumental Cosmical Remix b2. Feel Fly Dub Dub Version
Archeo Recordings